In the Spring the nature is alive and we can enjoy the warm sunshine and fresh smoothies. Spring and Summer all green fruits and vegetables are especially powerful and healthy.100 ml of water
3 apples
1 orange
dandelions (60 g)
3 stalks Tsariche (herbage for women) 400 ml of water For 4 cups of 250 ml
About 100 kcal per cup Put the cranberries in 100 ml of water to soften. It is possible for herbs to be used for decoration. Active ingredients alleviate female cycle complaints and increase potency.
Lifeguard (10 g)
White rabbit (10 g)
8 medium-sized dandelions (arugula)
1/4 avocado
Squeeze half a lemon
1 soup. a spoonful of Agave syrup 300 ml of water For 3 glasses of 300 ml
About 100 kcal per cup
12 leaves of dandelion
5 leaves of yarrow
6 stalks of sweet grass
400 ml of water For 4 cups of 200 ml. It is accepted immediately.
About 35 kcal per cup.
1 Orange
3 forms
1/4 lemon
1 tablespoon of raw coconut
1 teaspoon of elder or fresh
1 small orange (30 g)
Baby spinach (100 g) 500 ml of water
You can cut a piece of pineapple for decoration, leave the rest of it and put it in the blender. For 4 cups of 250 ml and 100 kcal per cup.
1 large orange
2 leaves of chicory
Herb star (30 g)
10 basil stalks
4 sprigs of parsley
1 teaspoon of Spirulina 200 ml of water For 2 servings of 250 ml and 80 kcal per cup With regular use, this discomfort is ideal for muscle building and powerful strength.
1 cucumber
1/4 lemon
8 leaves lettuce
onion (80 g)
7 beet leaves
parsley (20 g) 400 ml of water You can add lemon juice as desired. For 4 cups of 200 ml and 25 kcal
10 leaves of wild garlic
1 yellow pepper (grate on a grater and add to the blender)
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 coriander connection
1 lemon 350 ml of water For 3 cups of 250 ml and 25 kcal. If desired, you can decorate with red pepper. The wild chest has a great cleansing power.
In the summer we have the whole variety of fruits, vegetables and wild herbs. Especially in the hot season the green troubles are a wonderful light and refreshing "dish".1 zucchini
3 алабашa
3 sheets of beets
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
3 Coriander Buns
1 teaspoon of white pepper 350 ml of water For 3 servings of 300 ml and about 30 kcal per cup.
4 large peaches
250 g red gooseberry
8 sheets of iceberg
4 leaves of mint 200 ml of water For 3 servings of 200 ml and 110 kcal. Flax seed contains an optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
1 banana
1 little pear
1 maracuch
5 sheets of iceberg
asparagus (50 g)
French herb (50 g) 300 ml of water For 3 servings of 200 ml and 100 kcal.
Duis commodo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet quam elit eu pede purus, congue at, fringilla gravida. In bibendum varius quis, tincidunt viverra. Proin luctus. Sed ut felis. Morbi risus velit, fermentum neque ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, Duis commodo odio nec tortor lacus
Curabitur urna
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in nibh consectetuer lectus, eu urna tellus et ultrices vel, luctus et tellus. Donec at porttitor egestas. Integer mi porttitor elementum. Phasellus facilisis dignissim dapibus eget
Integer pharetra
Sed diam sodales lectus rhoncus et, posuere a, laoreet fermentum. Vivamus vitae wisi quis velit eleifend mi, nec erat eget sapien sed eros. Nullam vitae wisi arcu, in turpis egestas. Integer pharetra nec, dictum quis, accumsan augue imperdiet ut semper.